
At the beginning of the 16th century the site of this golf course was enclosed with the rest of Clandon Park by the Weston family who owed their position to the favour of Henry VIII.

You can see the boundaries of the enclosures in the flint walls, these are particularly visible along the right sides of the 4th and 5th fairway. It is possible that they were much higher in the past.

The Onslows by dubious methods and the considerable help of a regiment of Parliamentary cavalry obtained the estate in 1642 where it has remained ever since.

During the last few years several roman coins have been found and during construction there was evidence of an ever hopeful but geologically ignorant Bronze Age tin mine.

The quarry forms an integral part of 4 of our holes, namely the 13th, 14th, 15th and 17th. The chalk mined from this quarry was used as a major part in the construction of the Guildford bypass.