Since starting on the 1st of July, I had a view and an idea of what initial steps I wanted to take to make an instant visual improvement to this little known ‘Gem’ of a Golf Course.
Carl, the previous course manager, had started some great work and took those first steps into a vast improvement of the playing surfaces of the golf course. The plan I had when coming in was to present the golf course to the best we could and build on the good work done previously. The wetter summer we have had has been good for the course in providing growth when it would normally be drying out.
We have recently had our quarterly visit from our agronomist Laurence Pithie. Laurence is a Master Greenkeeper and an author with over 40 years’ experience in the industry. His knowledge and support is a great asset to have and to help us along the way with additional ideas and expertise. He is always at the end of the phone for advice if needed. We are delighted to have had a very glowing report this quarter.
Autumn Work –
We are planning some intense green’s maintenance starting w/c 13th September. This will include aeration and over-seeding followed by a sand dressing. Please note on Tuesday 14th all golfers will be required to start from the 10th tee (to enable the greenstaff to stay ahead of the golfers).
Whilst this work will disrupt play for a few days, it is essential in order to have healthy greens.
We will be cutting the long rough – something we need to do at this time to tidy this up, reduce the spread of weeds and to allow the grass to regenerate.
I hope you have enjoyed your time playing the course the last couple of months and continue to do so. We will strive to produce the best environment for your enjoyment. Whilst you are out there, please say Hello or give us a wave as you pass.
Kind regards
Lee Blackburn and the Clandon Golf Greenkeeping Team