The results of the November and December Friday Eclectic are as follows:-
Winner Gross score Jes Moon score of 36 on count back from
2nd Alan Melville
Winner Net score Mike Gardner score 25
Second Nick Walden score 26.5
Most Birdies (2) Linda Connery
5 Birdies were scored in total, Only one 2 scored!
Full results and prizes available in the club house from Tuesday 15th
Due to the success of this competition we will hold a New Eclectic competition on Fridays in Febuary and March 2019. Entry fee of £1 per round which will fund significant prizes for:-
Gross winner and Runner up
Nett Winner and runner up
Any 2 scored
Any 1 scored
Mystery prize
Remember this competition is open to all golfers, not just members
Congratulations to all the winners
Kind regards