We are having one or two problems at the moment with badgers clawing back the turf in certain areas during the night followed by the crows then picking over the divots during the day.
What’s happening is that the badgers, which are a protected species, are after the Chaffer Grubs which are in the soil and the crows then turn over divots the next day, including the ones created by golfers. There is no effective chemical control on the market at present for the grubs. There was one which has been withdrawn (and banned from use) a couple of years ago. As soon as we get some ground frosts things should improve as the grubs will go deeper into the ground and be out of reach of the badgers (and the birds). Several companies are working on potential solutions to this problem which is causing a lot of headaches at many golf courses across the country. In the meantime our Course Manager, Lee Blackburn, and his team will be doing all they can to keep this disruption to a minimum. Kind regards Geoffrey Legouix Director11 Nov