We are pleased to announce we will re-open Monday the 29th of March under the same Covid-19 restrictions as before but we will continue to review the situation in light of future developments. The telephone line will be manned in the mornings from the 19th of March onwards to take advance bookings but the club will be closed. The online booking facility will be available for those who have already registered. Members can book 10 days in advance, Clandon Cards 8 days in advance, Visitors 7 days in advance.
Clandon Golf Covid-19 rules:
2-Ball Max Group Size. You must wear a mask if you need to enter the cabin/shop. The diner and toilet will remain closed and there are no seating areas. Do not pick up items you may find on the course. 2 meters social distancing, No congregating, No group bookings. Pre-book & Pre-pay only, Cashless transactions only.
The roll out of the vaccines are a vital part of ending the COVID-19 pandemic but they are only one measure in the battle to control the virus which has not gone away. If you have any of the symptoms of Covid-19, or if someone in your household is self-isolating, please do not come to the club but stay at home and follow the Government guidelines
The Roll Up recommences on Tuesday 30th so if you want to take part send an email to comps@clandongolf.co.uk and we will pair you up. Payment can be attended to nearer the date.
Our greenkeepers have been very busy during the lockdown getting the course in tip-top condition ready for your return and they and all our staff look forward to welcoming you back.
Play Safe – Stay Safe