
10 Oct

Guilford Fun Run. Sunday 11th August 2024.

Guilford Fun Run. Sunday 11th August 2024.

Red = Fun Run Route,    Yellow = Access Roads to Clandon Golf    Clandon Golf Club Access – Sunday 11 August The Guildford 10k running event will be taking place on Sunday 8 October. Vehicle access to Clandon Golf will be maintained throughout the event however there will be some changes to how you reach the golf club by vehicle due to the road closures which are in place […]MORE >

08 Aug


COURSE MANAGER’S REPORT – AUGUST 2023 Hello, I hope you have enjoyed your golf this year so far. We had quite a wet start in comparison to the last couple of previous years, hopefully this has not dampened your spirits and joy of playing! The wetter, milder weather, has helped us to improve the definition of the golf course with added growth which we did not see in recent years. […]MORE >